
Fashion Observed

Trend observations with a sociological eye from afar...

by Darryl S. Warren  

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Blog posts February 2011

More champagne, please....

2012 has a fatalist quality to it as many are expecting some demise. It combines various dark perspectives from many reference points nicely, and one period reflecting such fatalism was around 1912, more vividly visited and offering inspiration in the 90s. Growing discontent preceding the &ldqu...

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92 87 74 38 29 12

If there is any designer that encapsulates the schizophrenic sampling the collections are taking, it’s that of Michael Van der Ham. His literal interpretation of what we are essentially seeing in the way collections integrate design references summarizes the all-over kitchen sink approach...

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A Weimar Fashion Week?

Just as we are witnessing the now-full resurgence of 90s & 70s in the collections in NYC, we can also see there are lots of off-shoots for inspiration stemming from the era of protest and garrulous prints.  While the later 70s fixated on 50s bebop, the earlier part of the decade h...

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Welcome to the commentary.

  I appreciate your curiosity. As I get more settled, I will make this into a regular posting. Currently I find the FW2011 shows in NYC fascinating. It was like seeing a train coming at night, the beacon of light warning its advancement. You would have to have been under a rock not to ha...

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